Friday, May 21, 2010

kyo kara maoh- chapter 1

Someone who is waiting…

After everything happen, Shinou rests at Shinou Temple and Yuuri rules the Shin Makoku. While everything going smoothly done, something awakens from Shinou’s memory. Ulrike senses something wrong with Shinou but she doesn’t dare to ask him. Then, she consults with Murata, the Great Sage.

“What is it that you want to tell me?”

“His Majesty Shinou looks worried. I’m not sure why he looks like that, but sometimes he looks at the sky at muttered alone.”


“Yes. Can you ask him why?”


Murata walks inside the Shinou Temple and sits beside Shinou. He looks at Shinou’s face but he doesn’t wants to awake him. Shinou feels someone sits beside him and he opens his eyes.

“Oh, it is you. Why you come here? Anything that you need to tell me?”

“That should be my line. What is bothering you? You look like think of something.”

“Hahaha… Think something? There is nothing I can think.”


“Really nothing. It is like some memories come back to me. That’s all.”

“What are that memories?”

“I don’t know.”

At the Blood Pledge Castle…

“Gunter, where is Murata?”

“His Highness goes meet His Majesty Shinou. Why?”

“Nothing. A few days ago, I heard someone is screaming.”


“Gwendel, you are back.”

“Continue what you are saying.”

“Okay. I heard someone is screaming. He sounds like Shinou’s voice. I thought Murata knows about that.”

“What did he said?”

“Urm… It is like ‘Onii-sama’. Something likes that.”

“Onii-sama? But, as we know, His Majesty Shinou doesn’t have any sibling.”

“That’s why I want to ask Murata if he knows something. How about you, Gwendel, Wolfram, Conrad? Do you hear anything from Cheri-sama?”

“No. I think our mother doesn’t know about it.”

“So, who is Shinou calling for?”

That night…

‘Onii-sama! Where are you going?’

‘I’m sorry, Shinou. I need to go.’

‘Wait! Onii-sama, wait! Wait!’

‘I’m sorry.’


“Shut up! Don’t shout at my ear!!”

“Yuuri! What are you talking about?”

“Oh… Morning already?”

“Why are you shouting?”

“Someone screams at my ear again.”

“Your Majesty, are you okay?”

“Yeah. Good morning, Conrad, Gwendel, Gunter, Murata.”

“Are you alright?”


“Shibuya, who is screaming?”


“Who is screaming?”

“Shinou, I think.”

“I thought so. I know something happen with him. He doesn’t tell me anything.”

“What’s wrong with Shinou?”

“He looks like he is thinking of something because he said he remembers something that important to him.”

“You mean, his brother?”


“I heard he said ‘Onii-sama’. Does he have brother?”

“I don’t think so. Better you ask yourself.”

“Yeah… yeah…”

All of them go to Shinou Temple to ask Shinou about the scream.

“Shinou, are you here?”

“Your Majesty Yuuri.”

“Yuuri, why are you come here?”

“What are you thinking alone there?”

“Nothing. Just try to recall back my memories.”

“About your brother?”

“My brother? What are you talking about?”

“A few days ago, including last night, I heard your voice call for your brother. Did you have any family?”

“No. I don’t have…”

‘Shin…! Shin…!’

“Huh? Do you call me?”

“No. What’s wrong, Shinou?”

“I heard the voice. Someone is calling me.”

‘Shin… Why? Why? Why?’



“No. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry! Blood… blood…”

“Shinou! Hey, Shinou! Are you hear me?”



“Hey, what’s wrong? Shinou, tell us.”

“Blood… blood… It is at my hand… Blood…”

“There is no blood. Are you having hallucination?”

“Blood is flowing… I didn’t kill… Why the blood is flowing…?”

‘Shin… You… Must… Live… Please…’

Who is the person calling for Shinou? Why Shinou fears off the blood on his hand? Why Shibuya Yuuri does hears Shinou screams every night? What is happening?

Next time on part 2, will they know everything?

-Yukari Hikari-

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