Friday, May 21, 2010

kyo kara maoh- chapter 2

Someone who is waiting- part 2

Shinou screams loudly at Shinou Temple. Yuuri and Murata try to stop him but they don’t succeed. Yuuri, without hesitate, slaps Shinou’s face.

“Ouch… That hurt, Yuuri.”

“Are you calm now?”

“Yeah… What happen?”

“You scream like a crazy man. What do you see?”

“I don’t remember. What did I say?”

“Blood… I’m sorry… So, whose blood do you see and who are you apologizing to?”

“I don’t know. It is likes the memories are being blocked again.”


“Yes. This is 6th times I have been like this. Sometimes it comes, sometimes it gone.”

“I think we need to give Shinou time to rest or he will shout like crazy again. Let’s go.”

“Yuuri, is it okay?”

“Yes. I will try to look for it.”

“Thank you.”

All of them go back to the Blood Pledge Castle to rest. When they about to arrive at the castle, someone lies on the ground and blocks their way.

“What is it, Conrad?”

“Someone is lying on the ground.”

“Huh? Conrad, he is…”

“I’m not sure. I don’t think he comes from here.”

“Let’s take him.”


“Your Majesty?”



They bring the wound boy inside the castle. Gisela treats him but he doesn’t wake up.

“Is he okay, Gisela?”

“Yes, but his left arm break up. He needs a week to heal his left hand.”

“Does he also from Shin Makoku land?”

“No. I feel a strange power inside him. It looks like he comes from another world and he is half human like Your Majesty.”

“Half human? It can’t be.”

“Your Majesty!”


“There is a person wants to see you.”


“I don’t know.”

“Bring him here.”

“Yuuri, why do you want him to come here? Maybe he is an enemy.”

“I don’t think so, Wolfram. I think that person is looking for this guy.”

“Your Majesty, this is the person who wants to see you.”

“Hi, Your Majesty. Do you see my master?”

“Your master? This one?”

“Shirou-sama! Shirou-sama! I’m sorry, Shirou-sama. I failed to protect you.”

“What are you talking about? Wait. Who are you?”

“I’m Ren, Knight Rider. This is my master, Shirou-sama, the Black Knight. We had blown to this world after our enemy exploded the house we stayed. I can’t protect him because he is far from me that time. But, thank you for saving my master’s life.”

“You are welcome. I’m Yuuri, Shibuya Yuuri.”

“Yuuri? Maoh of Shin Makoku?”

“Yes, how did you know?”

“Like I said, we come from another world. We are from investigation unit and we gather information for our missions.”

“Investigation unit? Missions? What is that?”



“Ren, is that you?”


“Ren! Urgh… my hand…?”

“You break your arm. It needs a week to heal.”

“Okay… Ren… Ren…”

“Shirou-sama… Don’t worry. I will be here, always.”

“Let’s leave them alone.”


“They need rest. Let’s go.”

They leave those two alone and continue their works. But, in that room,…

“Shirou-sama, do you know anything about that explosion?”

“I don’t know but when I come here, I feel I know this place before. Like I had been here a long time ago.”

“Know this place? You are not born here. How come you know this place?”

“I don’t know.”

“Huh… Shirou-sama… How many times you want to make me feel uneasy like this?”


After a week…

“Thank you, Gisela. Your Majesty, my sister, is she coming here a few days ago?”

“Your sister? I don’t think so.”

“That’s great. If she suddenly comes here…”

Suddenly, one door open inside Shirou’s room,…

“What?! How dare you come here without telling me?! YOU IDIOT BROTHER!!!!”


“Who is this young lady?”

“Hahaha… What are you doing here?”

“What I’m doing here?! You are not coming back for one week. Do you know how much worried I am? I don’t know you are safe or not from that bastard explosion. Then, Ren also gone with you and none of your companions know where you go.”

“I’m sorry, nee-chan.”

“Good boy.”

“Who are you?”

“I’m Shinobu, Shirou’s sister. Thank you for letting my idiot brother stayed here.”

“Shibuya, what happen? We heard a noise from outside.”

“Murata… Shinou…”



“Hey, what’s wrong?”

“My head… hurts…”

“Nee-chan, what is happening?”

“Shirou-sama… Shinobu ojou-sama…”

‘Papa!! Mama!!’

‘Shin, run!’

‘I don’t want! Aniki… Onee-chan…’

‘Run… please… you need to live, Shin…’

‘Go… we will stop them here…’

‘I don’t want…!’


‘Shin… Are you okay? Shirou… Shirou…’

‘Aniki… Aniki… wake up… wake up…’

‘Urgh… Shin… you are the only one who are save from Reien Kingdom but you need to forget. You can’t remember anything about. Live by your own. You don’t need to avenge us. Forget… about… us…”

‘I don’t want! Onee-chan!!’

‘Forget… All our memories seal until we meet again in the future… Shin… Shirou…’


“Hey! Shirou! Shinobu! Shinou!”

What will happen to 3 of them? Will they be alright? Are the siblings? Read on the next chapter…

Don’t forget- Hikari Yukari

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